Businesses looking to start or grow in our service area need access to a strong workforce. MCILEDC can get you connected with a variety of workforce development programs in the area. Through great regional partnerships with the Illinois workNet Centers for southwest Illinois; area community colleges and universities, the Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center; and other vocational education centers, MCILEDC will address your workforce development needs. As appropriate, we will bring the entities to the table and facilitate access to a myriad of workforce development services. Contact us for help in accessing these workforce development programs.

Southwestern Illinois workNet Recruitment and Training Services.
The St. Clair County Intergovernmental Grants Department is the grantee for LWIOA 24 funds and administers subsidized training services to Monroe, Randolph, Washington, Clinton, and St. Clair Counties via Southwest IL WORKNET offices. They are engaged to assist in the promotion and recruitment of qualified individuals for local job opportunities. This free service for businesses can also include hosting job fairs exclusively for the company and identifying referral eligibility for the offered training assistance.

Southwest IL WORKNET will make WIOA training funds available to help offset some of the costs associated with training your new and existing employees. Several different programs could be made available as needed:

  • Job Referrals, posting services and advertising for mass hiring.
  • Recruitment, to include job fairs, and pre-screening of your qualified applicants.
  • On the Job Training assistance would help employers offset costs associated with skills training and loss of production for new hires by covering 50-75% of the hourly wage of a program eligible new employee for as long as six months.
  • Customized Training assistance, designed to meet the particular needs of an employer, would cover 100% of the allowable training costs for program eligible new employees.
  • Incumbent Worker Training assistance can help qualifying companies upskill current workers and would cover 100% of the allowable training costs for current employees.
  • Apprenticeships. Workers would alternate between classroom and hands-on-training.
  • Rapid Response – mass layoff assistance.
  • Labor Market Information – including job aand wage data, plus industry growth trends, forecasts.
  • Special Program Requirements: New employees, to be eligible for funding, must meet either low income or dislocated worker requirements.

I.M.E.C. Workforce Services:
Recruiting, preparing, and growing the talent base is among the most critical challenges facing manufacturers. The Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center (IMEC) helps manufacturers to increase worker output and adapt to change through hands-on training, development, and coaching. Workforce services include leadership development, supervisor effectiveness development, organizational change management, and family business advisors.